George Floyd's killer finally sentenced for 22 years, 6 months prison term period.
George Floyd's killer finally sentenced for 22 years, 6 months prison term period.

George Floyd’s killer finally sentenced for 22 years, 6 months prison term period.

In several instances, people lose their lives so sadly in the hands of criminals.
Though there are key laws that call for the conviction and imprisonment of the perpetrators, it appears so expensive to buy from those who claim to own it.


That is to say that, the procedures through which one would use to seek for justice over a particular murder or robbery case are so cumbersome to use.

Hence, they have no option but to allow the case to “die” without further pursuance. There are so many cases lying so idle in court; not because they have no basis, but the system has described them as “foolish cases”.
The situation is worse if the victim is from a very poor background.

The kind of weak security system we have complements what the Inspector General of Police of the Ghana Police Service said. He knows very well that no matter the intensity of certain crimes, there is no way they will pursue it.
“Crime is everywhere apart from heaven,” but the IGP must know that elsewhere, the laws are really working.

Major Mahama was murdered in 2017, but nothing significant has been done on that case by the Ghana Police Service. J.B Danquah was also killed in a very sad manner, but trials upon trials, we have not still achieved any good results.

We know very well that Justice delayed is justice denied but we continue to take the wrong path, and promote Criminal activities in the country.

In May 2020, George Floyd was murdered by unknown men in Minneapolis, United States. This called for more activism works by the black community to table a strong action for justice to prevail.

Many people thought the case would die as it mostly happens in Africa, particularly Ghana, but there has been a paradigm shift – a positive one for that matter.

Many people thought the case would die as it mostly happens in Africa, particularly Ghana, but there has been a paradigm shift – a positive one for that matter.

However, after a very thorough trial in court, a U.S white Ex-Police Officer, who was convicted of murdering George Floyd, has finally been sentenced to 22 years, 6 months prison term period.

Ghanaians have massively reacted after Roland Walker shared this story on his Facebook page. Some have showered praises on the U.S Police Department for at least allowing justice to prevail.

George Floyd's killer finally sentenced for 22 years, 6 months prison term period.
George Floyd’s killer finally sentenced for 22 years, 6 months prison term period.


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