Ladies found inserting seasoning cubes in to their anus to widden buttocks from Dr. Silas


Ladies found inserting seasoning cubes in to their anus to widden buttocks from Dr. Silas

The craze of women going at lengths to have a big and attractive behind is taking an awkward turn. Big bum has become the most desired fantasy all over the world. This has caused ladies that aren’t so lucky to have it to look for unorthodox ways to make it huge.


In the recent past, many Ghanaian female celebrities have been accused of enhancing their a$$es through surgical procedures. Of course, most of them vehemently denied it. Moesha happens to be one of the few to have admitted to going under the knife. A procedure she claims cost her $200,00.00.

So why do these women go through all this stress just to have a big behind? What is so special about having big butts? Interestingly, I think I have an answer. Ladies of our generation embrace the slightest opportunity to flaunt their assets in the faces of the opposite sex. Their male counterparts also fall for it and worship these women like they are goddesses. So why wouldn’t they enlarge it if they can? I mean who doesn’t want to be treated like a goddess.

In 2018, Vice video released a documentary on some Congolese women injecting their buttocks with chicken stock to get them enlarged. The revelations made in that video shocked everyone who watched it. Fast forward into 2021, it is now time for Magi and Onga to shine in the buttocks of our beloved women whereas the world is busy battling Corona.

Ladies found inserting seasoning cube in to their anus to widden buttocks from Dr. Silas
Ladies found inserting seasoning cube in to their anus to widden buttocks from Dr. Silas

This new practice has caught the attention of Dr. Silas who took to Twitter to advise our young women against it.

“Stop pumping seasoning cubes into your anus to widen your buttocks. These are not safe. Women inject these cubes with the hope that the salt and oil content will expand their tissues behind making them appear larger and rounder. It can lead to hypertension”.- He wrote.

Dr. Silas added that “if you crush the seasoning cubes which contains largely salt and inject into your anus, the lining of the anus would absorb a huge portion of the salt into your bloodstream.

Excess salt in the bloodstream is a major contributor to hypertension, especially in Africans. A person, in theory, can develop hypertension from this practice”.

With the kind of discoveries women make concerning buttocks enlargement these days, I wouldn’t be too surprised if we wake up to another story of women pumping gasoline in their bums. Well, that hypothesis is not far-fetched if you think of it.

This caution might be taken with a pinch of salt, nonetheless, whosoever already practicing must stop immediately. And those thinking about butt enlargement, kindly desist from it to avoid any complications in the future. All women are beautiful in their own ways. Never alter your looks to fit the status quo.



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